Thursday, January 12, 2012

Ding Ding Ding!

Round 780 or something like that.

I am trying to lose weight.
I hoping for better luck this time and hoping it sticks. I feel very nervous/skeptical about this being a lasting late starting resolution. But there is never a better time than NOW to start. I just hope I can stay motivated!!! So if you are reading this and have any advice, tips, encouragements. I'll take them!!! I am going to try to keep this as a tracker. Any avenue I can use I am trying. I hope I am not overdoing it and setting myself up for failure. I really need to change, and the world around me is a tasty place.
That big eyesore in my livingroom is WONDERFUL. I love it and today, in addition to working out on it for 32 minutes, I also did "girlie" push ups until my arms said no more. Next time I am going to count the number I do and see how far I can get as my time goes on. Lost 2 pounds since I started exercising on it. Also, I have been drinking TONS of water.
I did take a before picture. If I do make attainable goals, and successfully acheive some of them, I might be brave and try to post before and after pictures.


I've said that before and never have. I really should make that as one of my resolutions too. I will check into that too.

Thanks Aunt Patty for reminding me of my little blog, and my handful of sweet lovely readers!

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